The Jira add-on allows an administrator to control some features that affect the add-on's behavior. Most configuration options are available from the add-on's Configuration screen.
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This section allows an administrator to define which projects' Jira events will trigger updates to real-time update exports. By default, every project is enabled. Administrators may find that some projects do not need to update exports, and disabling those projects here may provide a performance benefit. Jira events fired from issues in projects that are not enabled here, will be ignored. Note that this section and the Webhooks 2547482857 section work together; the add-on will only process enabled events on realtime-enabled projects. Users are still able to export issues from projects that are not enabled here, but changes to issues in those projects will not trigger real-time updates, even if the export itself is realtime-enabled.
This section allows an administrator to define Snowflake databases where users can store their exports. For each database in the list, check its checkbox if you would like to allow users to create exports in that database.
Note: Only databases with a "PUBLIC" schema are shown in this section.
After saving your Export Locations selections, users will see a Database item on the Export screen that, when clicked, will display a database selection drop down with the databases you specified.