This section allows an administrator to expose additional data export options for users to select on the Export screen. If any options are enabled here, an "Additional Export Data" item will appear on the Export screen, giving the user the option to export additional data to other tables in the selected namespace. Currently there are 8 additional export options available, with 7 of these options being configurable by a Jira administrator.
Components, Issue Types, Projects, Users, and Versions will each perform a full export of their data into their respective tables in the selected namespace. In the case of Changelogs and Worklogs, only the data that relates to the issues present in the user's export will be exported into their respective tables.
The final export option available to users, Field Mapping, is not configurable by a Jira administrator because it does not require additional API calls. Any user can export this data into the selected Snowflake namespace.