Filter Shortcuts

This page is your initial landing page. It is fully configurable. By taping the All filters button, the All filters configuration screen shows up and allows you to star your selection of filters. The selected filters will then show up on top of your Issues screen. This is a convenient way to get quickly to your favorite filter.


Search by QR or Datamatrix Code

If you use QR or Datamatrix codes for example for inventory management and have codes that have Jira ticket issue keys encoded, you can search directly by scanning the QR or Datamatrix code (Issues > Scan). Mobility for Jira will directly bring up the correct issue. For example, this is a common use case together with STAGIL Assets a popular Asset Management add-on, which is supported by the Mobility for Jira apps.

We support flexible approaches to search for QR and Datamatrix codes. You can customize your scanner by going to Issues > Scan then Tap the Cogwheel icon on the top right. You will be presented with the following options:



Example QR Code

Example Jira field




Example QR Code

Example Jira field



Your QR code value includes the Jira issue key. The issue key can be anywhere in the string.

Issue Key: ABC-123

Select: Default


Your QR code is an arbitrary value. Any JQL searchable Jira field includes the value.


My Custom Field: Our code is 123ABC

Select: JQL > My Custom Field ~ {qr}


Your QR code is an arbitrary value that exactly matches the value in a listed Jira field.


Summary: 123ABC

Select: Fields > Summary