Mobile Security

Mobile Security

Many of our clients employ security controls enterprise-wide and want to make sure they can cover Jira and the mobile apps. Therefore it has been paramount for our products to support the full range of existing security products and services that our clients are using.

Single Sign-On

We support many SAML-based Identity Provider out-of-the-box. No matter if you use ADFS, Azure AD, Okta, Ping Identity, Shibboleth, Oracle or any other, we got you covered. Our mobile app will simply redirect to your IdP when a user is trying to login. Using your existing authentication is a much safer approach then using local Jira users and is less effort to manage and keep up-to-date.

Mobile Device Management

Your organization may have a mobile device management system in place. This will allow it to push out specific apps to their user base, have the apps use VPN tunneling functionality, and being able to wipe an app or device remotely to name a few functions. We have supported many for a while:

  • MobileIron (iOS: out-of-the-box, Android: needs wrapping)

  • AirWatch (needs wrapping)

  • InTune (needs wrapping)

  • Citrix (needs wrapping)

  • many others

The most common approach to configure our app with your MDM is to download our most up-to-date .ipa and .apk packages and wrap them for your MDM solution.


You should use encryption for your Jira traffic. If Jira is setup your traffic will be TLS encrypted and you will see https in the address bar. Our Mobility app fully supports your encryption protocols. Although less secure, we also support self-signed certificates. Any data that is stored on the device is stored in encrypted format.

Multi-Factor Authentication

You may want to require multiple factors for users to authenticate as user name and password combinations alone may be guessed. Our add-on supports MFA based on your Identity Provider. We also support a few standalone solutions. Please contact security@mobilitystream.com.


A secure way for users to connect to your Jira system is always by routing the connection through VPN. We support per-app VPN connections in our app.


You may require your own certificate to be imported into the app before a connection from the app with your Jira server can be made. We support this functionality on our Login screen.

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